Psychosocial, financial, and technical support to refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia and beyond.
Hope. Community. Support. Altruism.
The Eritrean Community Connections (ECC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to provide services and support to the Eritrean and Ethiopian communities in Seattle, WA (King County).
Immigration is a major life-changing experience that can cause extreme emotional distress. The good news? Those who have been through it know how crucial support can be from others in your community. Services like what we provide at ECC offer invaluable resources for navigating the often difficult process of settling into another country as an immigrant or as a humanitarian crisis unfolds around us.
Immigrants and refugees need a hand-holding kind of support to transition, but it can be difficult for newcomers in their new country. The Eritrean community has been working hard with the resources they were given while settling into life here as well as providing guidance on how best to utilize what is available so that newcomers feel supported from the start.
መላግቦ ማሕበረኮም ኤርትራውያን፡ ነቶም ኣብ ግዝኣት ዋሺንግቶን ዚቕመጡ ኤርትራውያንን ኢትዮጵያውያንን ስደተኛታት ኪሕግዝ ዝቖመ ዘይሃይማኖታውን ዘይፖለቲካውን ዘይመኽሰባውን ትካል እዩ።
ስደት፡ ኣብ ህይወት ሰብ ብዙሕ ጸቕጥን ስምዒታዊ ቅልውላውን ዘስዕብ ፍጻመ እዩ። እቲ ብስራት ግን፡ እቶም ብእኡ ዝሓለፉ፡ ነቶም ሓደስቲ ክሕግዝዎም ዚኽእሉሉ ሜላ ኣለዎም። ኣብ መላግቦ መሕበርኰም ኤርትራውያን ድማ፡ ነቶም ብነዊሕን ኣህላኽን መስርሕ ዝመጹ ስደተኛታት ዘድልዮም ኣገልግሎት ምቕራብን ምትሕሓዝን እዩ።
ስደተኛታት፡ ኢዶም ሒዙ ናብቲ ዘድልዮም መገዲ ዓወትን ውህደትን ዘርእዮም ወይ ዚድግፎም የድልዮም። ወለንተኛታት መላግቦ ማሕበረኮም ኤርትራውያን ድማ፡ ምስ ሓደስቲ ይኹኑ ነባር ሓገዝ ዝደልዩ ስደተኛታት፡ ምሳታቶም ሰለይ እናበለ ናብቲ ክበጽሕዎ ዚግብኦም ዚስዕብ ስጉምቲ ምብጻሕ ሓጐሶም እዩ።
Psychosocial Counseling
ገለዶ ናይ ድቃስ፡ ጭንቀት፡ ቅዛነት ወይን ካልእ ጸገማት ኣለኩም? መላግቦ ማሕበረኮም ኤርትራውያን፡ ንኤርትራውያንን ኢትዮጵያውያንን ናይ ስነኣእምሮኣዊ ምኽሪ ይህብ።
እዚ ኣገልግሎት ምኽሪ፡ ንስደተኛታት ብዚጥዕም ቋንቋን ባህልን እተዳለወን እዩ።
Need help with your mental health? We offer compassionate psychosocial counseling for those from the Ethiopian and Eritrean communities.
These counselors offer emotional support, and education on culture-specific issues such as language barriers or mental health problems that arise due to social adversity at home when you're young; they can also provide assistance with finding jobs and integrating into American society.
ዕላማ እዚ መደብ፡ ነቶም ሓደስቲ ስደተኛታት ምስ ተሞክሮኦምን ክእለቶምን ዚሰማማዕ ኣብቲ ኸባቢ ዘሎ ናይ ስራሕ ይኹን ካልእ ንስደተኛታት ዘድልዮም ሓገዝ ኣብ ምንዳይ ዚነጥፍ መደብ እዩ።
The purpose of this program is to provide services that will help the Ethiopian and Eritrean communities in our area thrive. This includes providing information about jobs, and housing opportunities as well as support groups for those who need it most-whether they're newly arrived or looking at moving soon!
Service Navigation
Citizenship and Immigration
ንዜግነትን ኢሚግሬሽንን ዚምልከት ሓገዝ የድልየኩምዶ? ኣባላት መላግቦ ማሕበረኮም ኤርትራውያን ኪሕግዙ ድሉዋት እዮም።
The Citizenship and Immigration team at ECC want to help. ECC is here to help you integrate into your new life in the U.S., we offer an array of services that will make this easier for you and your family.
Immediate Financial Assistance and Support
ብዙሓት ነበርቲ እዚ ከባቢ ብህጹጽ ፋይናስያዊ ሓገዝ ከምዝሳቐዩ ንፈልጥ ኢና። ስለዚ ድማ፡ ነቶም ጽጉማት ፍጡን መሰረታዊ ሓገዝ ንኪረኽቡ ንሕግዞም።
We know that many Eritrean and Ethiopian immigrants in the Puget Sound region need help with basic needs like food or rent. Understanding these challenges, we are here to provide immediate financial assistance for those who qualify!
“We were once in need and are grateful for others' support. Giving back is the most blessed thing we can do.”
Eritrean Community Connections: Supporting our fellow refugees and immigrants.
ኩላትና ሓገዝ እንደልየሉ እዋን ነይሩን ኣሎን። ነቲ እትቐበልናዮ ሓገዝ፡ ተመሊስና ንኻልኦት ክንሕግዝ ምብቃዕና ሕጉሳት ኢና። ካብ ምቕባል፡ ምሃብ እምብዛ ከምዝባርኽ ድማ ንኣምን።

Feel free to contact us with any questions.